Tobias Conrad Deutsche Telekom

Unique retail concepts are the ones that will remain relevant in the future and that will continue to revitalise retail and city centres. What will not work are retail concepts that stand still, that do not change with the time and declare “we have always done it this way”. In one year, we will see who has drawn conclusions from this time and has consequently changed their internal processes. Commodity products that are bought regularly will of course be ordered online at some point. Going to a store for that is more perceived as a burden than a necessity.

Concepts that are not accepted, that are perhaps also thought past the customer, will not exist in the long term. That’s why I believe that listening to the community and giving it a voice is a very powerful element to use in development. Really asking into communities “how do you imagine, for example, what are elements that you see that are interesting to you, that really continue to draw you into the city centers and stores?” and thus becoming the talk of town and creating multipliers.

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